2024-09-12 08:26:18 作者:小米儿Sunny 文章来源:66软件下载 阅读次数:2
索尼正式公布PS5 Pro,预计11月7日发售,售价699.99美元。PS5 Pro作为无光驱主机提供,适用于PS5 Pro的光驱可单独购买,售价79.99美元。不少玩家对此非常愤怒,PS5 Pro本身价格昂贵,还需要额外购买光驱,让玩家们的钱包遭不住。玩家们直言,现在的PS品牌已经成为苹果iPhone了,甚至有人调侃“此时只需要攒一台PC即可”。
Sony has officially announced the PS5 Pro in a recent "tech showcase" livestream, which is expected to be released on November 7th for $699.99. In addition to the expensive price tag, the PS5 Pro will be offered as a discless console, with a separate disc drive available for purchase at $79.99. Many gamers are angry about this, as the already high-priced console now requires an additional purchase for the disc drive, putting a strain on their wallets. Some players have even created memes mocking the situation, comparing the PS brand to Apple's iPhone. Some have joked that "it's time to just build a PC".